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CD Ysbryd y Gael
Pris: £9.99 (Cliciwch ar y llun i brynu)
CD Dilyn y Fflam
Pris: £9.99 (Cliciwch ar y llun i brynu)
Mairi MacInnes
Croeso i wefan swyddogol Mairi MacInnes - cantores Geltaidd a chyfansoddwraig, lle cewch fanylion am ei disgiau hi.
Am wybodaeth am gorau meibion yn gyffredinol ewch i:
Mae llawer o bobl yn holi am gyfieithiad o eiriau Ysbryd y Gael. Dyma nhw:
You can try
But you'll never understand
This feeling I have inside
It is with me in the darkest hours
And in the quietest moment
I am a Gael
So gentle and proud
I trust in God and my people
I will follow you through the mist of time
Til we meet again
In the land of my ancestors
I know that wherever I go in this world
For I am not alone
You and my friends are with me always
And I will be safe with this feeling inside
I am a Gael
So gentle and proud
I trust in God and my people
I will follow you through the mist of time
Til we meet again
In the land of my ancestors
It is in my heart and it is on my breath
The love that I have for you
Can you feel it?
Protects me when I am weak
And it gives me strength
Whenever I'm feeling tired
I am a Gael
So gentle and proud
I trust in God and my people
I will follow you through the mist of time
Til we meet again
In the land of my ancestors
People try to do me harm
But they know they never can
Not when I have you with me
Stand by my side and never forsake me
And guide me forever
I am a Gael
So gentle and proud
I trust in God and my people
I will follow you through the mist of time
Til we meet again
In the land of my ancestors
Newyddion Diweddaraf
Santiago de Compostela
Ein trip diweddaraf oedd i ddinas hynafol Santiago de Compostela yn Galisia, Gogledd Sbaen. Cawsom yr anrhydedd o ganu yn yr eglwys gadeiriol hardd yno ym mhrif wasanaeth y dydd i gyfarch y pererinion. Profiad unigryw a bythgofiadwy. Yna aethom i aros yn Cangas do Morrazo, nepell o Vigo, lle cymerasom ran mewn cyngerdd mawreddog a drefnwyd ar y cyd gan Gôr Cymysg Coral Lestonnac a Dawnswyr Lamranzas da Ria o dde